Exercise Physiologist: nick saunders

I began CrossFit in 2011 after seeing my weaknesses in strength and mobility exposed during a one week trial.

Throughout my athletic and work life, i’ve been extremely lucky to have had some amazing coaches and mentors, each of whom have been kind and patient enough to share their knowledge with me.

This knowledge definitely allowed me to learn and enjoy my sport, work and training significantly more than if I hadn’t received their guidance. When this coaching opportunity arose, I felt that I had adequate experience to assist the CrossFit Feel Good members in maximising what they get out of every session. That feeling of being of service is why I coach.

nick’s qualifications include

  • Bachelor of Exercise Physiology (UNSW)
  • Member of Exercise and Sports Science Australia
  • Senior Exercise Physiologist at Macquarie Uni

competition background

  • High School State Cross Country
  • Soccer – Northern Tigers First Grade and Captain (Under 20’s)